To be honest, I don't know what my monitor is, lol, but I set my current resolution to 1440x900 in-game. I also have the UHD nondefault skin among other nondefault skins. I have the KBPrimerHDPlusDEFAULTSkinFIXED (HD+Fixed) and KBHDSpecularDefaultReplacement. I'm not sure if nondefault skins get inherited since I haven't gotten that far yet into gameplay to know. I also take advantage of going beyond EA's limitations using NRass to get more exaggerated features. (Okay, after a bit of searching on my computer I have a Dell 19" Widescreen Flat Panel LCD that supports up to 1440x900.) All those pictures were taken with maxed out settings but some with the resolution of 1024x768 I Yes, I use all kinds of sliders beside height. Which resolution version do you have? SD, HD, HD+ or UHD? I have a 1080p monitor so not sure which one to download. Funny, I wondered at first why my sim looked like EA default. This is what one of my sims look like with no default skin but just the HD Specular. These sims below have a non-default skin, Kurasoberina-Freckled Fruit, with HD Specular Default Replacement. The sim below, I think, she was the one I used the UHD ND version. I really like how well the darker skin tones look and kids look even more adorable. Although I think most if not all could tell the difference anyway. And no, I don't use HQ mods, did not tweak anything in the game files nor used any image manipulation. I also use Kurasoberina Primer HD Default Skin and with HD Specular Default Replacement. I'll try the HD skins and see how it goes Thanks! I use navetsea model default and the barbie you are real by Buhudain and I'm not satisfied with how it looks. If you like the No Glow mod, there is a link to have that separate and you could probably combine it with the HQ mod by aWT (first link) that allows you to turn it off and on.

The second link (the mod that I currently use HQ+No Glow) overrides your GraphicsRules so you will need to edit it again in order to keep your card recognized. The first link gives you the option to turn it off and on.

But it will add extra stress to the game. You can use it for constant game play if the PC can handle it (yours would) and if the texture resolution isn't set too high.

HQ mods are used for sim picture taking and you won't see too much of a change unless you're using HD create a sim content (example: skin). I have now switched over to this HQ mod and it's paired with a "no glow" mod.